Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement


Burke narrates this journey to healing so that each chapter—although they do build upon each other—can stand alone as its own meditation on a subject or an emotion or a focal moment…The result is that her voice as an activist now, post-Me Too, sounds no more or less fierce than any of her other voices, and it is clear that she holds each of these multitudes, these truths, within her still … Since hers is an emotional journey, the events are not always recalled chronologically; healing requires practice and will not always be linear. She is, thus, a master of pacing … the emotional present of each moment wells from the page … She is grateful and proud and loving and celebratory and comical. She speaks deep wisdom plainly and easily. She doesn’t mince words or try to make excuses … Burke’s honesty reinforces #metoo as the work of a movement, not just a moment.


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