
WHEREAS, the Silver State is home to the Great Basin Native American tribes, the Washoe, Northern Paiute, Southern Paiute, and Western Shoshone, which encompass 28 Tribes, Bands and Colonies, each having unique traditions and identities spanning generations; and

WHEREAS, American Indians in Nevada and nationwide have made invaluable contributions to our nation, including their role as the first keepers of our environment; and

WHEREAS, Indian tribes in the State of Nevada work to maintain their animated culture, customs and traditions in order to pass them on to future generations; and

WHEREAS, indigenous tribes across our state played an essential role in Nevada’s statehood, becoming residents of the Silver State in 1864, before officially becoming U.S. citizens 60 years later; and

WHEREAS, Nevada’s Indian tribes have enriched the citizens of the Silver State by teaching and sharing their history, language and culture through storytelling, dance, native regalia, art, and customary foods; and

WHEREAS, the great State of Nevada recognizes the outstanding contributions of Native Americans, commemorates their achievements and encourages all Nevadans, and those who visit our great state, to learn about the Native American heritage, culture, and history;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, STEVE SISOLAK, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, do hereby proclaim September 23, 2022, as


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