| Guest columnist
Most of us know that health care access and politics are two very convoluted issues. When these two issues intersect, things seem to get even more complicated. So, it would seem counterintuitive to suggest that one straightforward decision could solve the health care access issue for more than 160,000 Mississippians (according to the Kiser Family Foundation) and strengthen our state’s economy, which is a perennial goal of all of our lawmakers.
Right now, those 160,000 Mississippians fall into what’s called the “coverage gap,” which essentially means they have no options for affordable health insurance. Without access to affordable health insurance, people are forced to make impossible decisions that directly affect their ability to support their families and contribute to their communities — lighting their homes or life-saving surgeries — food for their families or follow-up appointments with a specialist.
The consequences of these decisions are even more acute as we attempt to navigate this COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the Mississippians who are at higher risk of death from COVID-19 have been placed into the coverage gap and seemingly forgotten. They are frontline workers whom we have deemed “essential” enough to ensure grocery shelves are stocked, and packages are delivered yet not “essential” enough to ensure they have affordable health insurance, even though they are literally putting their lives at risk to keep our communities running.
Some of these Mississippians also struggle with diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic diseases and are not getting the treatment they desperately need because they are unable to access affordable health insurance. They suffer. Their families suffer. Our communities suffer. Our entire state suffers because our lawmakers haven’t taken the straightforward step that would immediately benefit thousands of Mississippians in dozens of communities.
According to analysis from Families USA, Medicaid expansion would bring nearly $1.5 billion in additional federal funds to the state and generate nearly $2.5 billion in novel economic activity, including 14,892 novel jobs. These are jobs that are sorely needed in rural communities where hospitals have closed, and more than 40 are considered vulnerable or at-risk of closing.
The health and economic security Medicaid expansion offers is particularly significant when we consider that nearly two out of 10 non-elderly Black Mississippians are uninsured. The health disparities of COVID-19, combined with the long-term and persistent effects of systemic and structural racism, make expansion a common-sense policy solution to begin making real strides toward equity.
This issue is resonating across the South, as Mississippi has joined eight Southern states in a joint effort to expand Medicaid that would ensure more than 7 million Americans would have access to affordable health insurance. At the core of this effort is telling the harrowing and heartbreaking stories of people who rely on Medicaid — and the stories of those who suffer unnecessarily because their state has not expanded the program.
We have an opportunity to do something right now that would fundamentally change the lives of hundreds of thousands of Mississippians — something that would mean healthier communities, a stronger economy, and a brighter future for our state.
Because for many of Mississippi’s children and families, especially those living in rural communities, expanding Medicaid will mean access to critical, cost-effective health coverage that ensures regular, preventive care. It will mean economic growth that creates good-paying jobs in health care and the numerous compact businesses that support hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies.
Expanding Medicaid will mean we are better able to meet many of the health care needs of our citizens and support community well-being through a proven program that enhances public health and improves our economic outlook.
It’s just that straightforward.
Roy Mitchell is the executive director of the Mississippi Health Advocacy Program.