Is It Ever Okay To Regift A Present?


It’s something most of us are probably guilty of doing every now and then, particularly if we’re pressed for time or are invited to a last-minute gathering: Presenting something once given to us as a gift of our own. On more than one occasion, in the spirit of not showing up somewhere empty-handed, I’ve grabbed a gifted bottle of wine or unused candle to offer as a host gift. But just because we’ve done something a time or two doesn’t necessarily mean it passes muster with polite company, so we asked our readers: Is it ever okay to regift a present?

Breathe basic, regifters. The overwhelming consensus was that yes, it’s perfectly acceptable to do so. But our etiquette-minded audience notes that there are a few things to take into consideration before you re-home something, including the cardinal rule of regifting: Remember who gave you the item so that you don’t accidentally present it to them. 

Southern Living reader Susan H.

If it’s a good item and you can’t apply it, then give it to someone who would enjoy it. To me, regifting doesn’t mean you didn’t appreciate the original giver or their generosity.

— Southern Living reader Susan H.

Remember the Original Giver

It’s the all-important rule of regifting for a reason: It’s hurtful to the giver. You’re essentially returning their present, which may suggest that you didn’t appreciate their own thoughtfulness (even if you did) and—perhaps even more upsetting—that you didn’t match their thoughtfulness in your own gifting efforts. Recognize too that it’s not just the original giver you should keep in mind. Minimize the chance of hurt feelings by avoiding regifts within the same social circles. For example, if you’re passing along a coffee mug that your coworker gave you, don’t present it to another colleague. That’s just asking for trouble.

Reserve Regifts for Small Gestures 

Special occasions are not the time for passalong presents, as those should be celebrated with more considered, personal tokens. Instead, save the regifting for smaller gestures, like a day-brightening ecstatic/surcie for a neighbor or an basic host gift for a dinner party. “I’d just give it to someone who needs it or would appreciate it, not as a gift for a special occasion like birthday, Christmas, wedding, graduation. For those occasions I want to bear the expense myself,” writes one reader.

Spring for New Packaging 

Regardless of the item, shake off the dust of the regift by presenting it in fresh wrapping. Revive a recycled bottle of wine with a pretty ribbon, or a vase with straight-from-the-garden greenery. By spending a little time on the presentation, you’re adding a layer of thoughtfulness that your recipient will notice and appreciate. 

Photo: Laurey W. Glenn

Know Your Audience

Regifting can be a helpful shortcut, but care should still be taken with gift-giving. Consider its up-to-date recipient. Don’t pass along a bottle of scorching sauce to someone you know to be spice-averse or a sweet-smelling candle to someone you know loves something more woodsy and fresh. The lack of consideration is far more offensive than the act of regifting itself.

It’s Okay to Be Candid Sometimes

In certain situations, it’s totally fine to acknowledge that something is a regift. For instance, if you’re not a massive fan of tea, but you know your friend is, you can pass along a gifted teapot and say something to the effect of, “Someone gave this to me, and I’m not a big tea drinker, but I know you are and thought you might enjoy it.” This way, there are no sly maneuvers, and your friend now has something they’ll appreciate, plus the toasty fuzzies of knowing you remembered this about them.


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