Southern Heritage and Culture

The 10 Artists From The Southern States You Should Know

The Southern states are bulky with history. However, this existent weight has done nothing to suppress its lively...

In Monument Debate, Calls for an Overdue Reckoning on Race and Southern Identity

EUFAULA, Ala. — The facts of Southern history, according to Brad Griffin, are beyond dispute.“It was a slave society,” he said. “They had white...

Guide to African American History & Culture in Washington, DC

With its Southern connections, Washington, DC has always had a significant African American population. Before the Civil War, the city was home to a...

Remembering Atlantic City’s Black History and Segregated Past

Like much of the United States, Atlantic City, New Jersey, was both de facto and legally segregated throughout much of its history, until the Brown...

DuBois Freedom Center, First in North America, Named in Great Barrington, Mass.

DuBois Freedom Center, First in North America, Named in Great Barrington, Mass.Housed in DuBois Boyhood Church, Center to Honor Berkshire County’sNative Son and Regional Black...
