Mid South Living

Why Did It Take 166 Years for This Man to be Admitted to The Bar? Here’s The Ugly Truth

The Supreme Court of Maryland revisited a century-old decision that barred a Black man from becoming a lawyer despite him meeting all the qualifications...

‘The Black Wife Effect:’ Viral Trend That Shows White Men Getting a Much-Needed Glow Up Has Us Shook

We’ve been trying to tell you for the longest just how amazing Black women are. Now, there’s a novel social media trend that’s giving...

Nervous About Popping Up in the Up-to-date Freaknik Documentary? Well, You Should Be…

It was a moment that made the neck hairs of Gen X Black America stand on end. Last spring, Hulu announced it was releasing...

President Joe Biden Shouted Out a Graduating Black Teen Who Landed This Unbelievable Amount of Scholarship Money!

A Georgia teen and her family will have plenty to celebrate at her high school graduation this year: Madison Crowell, a senior at Liberty...
