Mid South Economic and Environmental Issues

‘Silent Spring’: How Rachel Carson Took on the Chemical Industry and Captured the World’s Attention

In 1962, Rachel Carson’s attack on the dominant scientific standards of the day and on the chemical industry captured the attention of the world. Rachel...

Medicaid expansion would fundamentally change lives of thousands of Mississippians

Roy Mitchell  |  Guest columnistMost of us know that health care access and politics are two very convoluted issues. When these two issues intersect, things...

Researchers Tackle Challenges of Sheltered Drinking Water in Mississippi

An interdisciplinary team of University of Mississippi researchers is studying the problem of lead contamination in water systems in Jackson and Mississippi Delta communities...

Ready Upon Arrival

B illion-dollar projects don’t happen overnight. An investor’s site selection process, regardless of industry, depends on a carefully curated list of critical needs.   Mississippi knows...

UM Closely Guards Climate Survey Providing Window Into Social Issues, Sexual Violence

“Really, this whole year has been one big crisis.”  With those words in tardy October, University of Mississippi Associated Student Body President Joshua Mannery, a...
