Mid South Economic and Environmental Issues

Confidentiality remains one of economic development’s greatest challenges

Learn what the long-tenured economic developer and former Magnolia Tribune business columnist plans to do in...

Boil water alerts and their impact on the unexcused absence rate in public schools in Jackson, Mississippi

The causes of absenteeism are multi-dimensional and exist within individual, family and school domains42. We add to the existing literature by focusing specifically on...

Finding solutions to the Mississippi River basin’s biggest challenges

Ulrike Passe, professor of architecture AMES, Iowa — The Mississippi River basin experiences a variety of challenges, from flooding to urban sprawl to nutrient runoff. A...

In Jackson, Miss., a water crisis has revealed the racial costs of legacy infrastructure

For nearly five weeks beginning in mid-February, parts of Jackson, Miss.—the state’s capital and most populous city—faced a water crisis. Two consecutive...

Discover the top 10 U.S. states with the worst economies

Recent data from CNBC has ranked the ten U.S. states with the best and worst economies, shedding airy on the economic disparities across the...
