Arkansas ACCESS and attacks on direct democracy: The Week in Review, Feb. 22, 2025


On this week’s podcast: Breaking down the governor’s gigantic higher ed reform bill, the secretary of state joins the Legislature in attacking the ballot measure process, and a scrap over athletics and gambling interests at the Capitol.

Stories discussed this week:

Anti-woke activism meets technocratic tinkering: Breaking down Sanders’ higher ed bill

Anti-woke activism meets technocratic tinkering: Breaking down Sanders’ higher ed bill

Get off the Capitol lawn! Gov’s bill aims to limit students’ political speech

Get off the Capitol lawn! Gov’s bill aims to limit students’ political speech

Secretary of state joins Legislature in assault on the people’s ballot measure process

Secretary of state joins Legislature in assault on the people’s ballot measure process

With icy roads limiting public testimony, House committee passes bill to dampen direct democracy

With icy roads limiting public testimony, House committee passes bill to dampen direct democracy

Failed raffle bill sparks kerfuffle between Saracen Casino exec and UA athletic director

Failed raffle bill sparks kerfuffle between Saracen Casino exec and UA athletic director

Benjamin Hardy is managing editor at the Arkansas Times. His email is
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