WTH?! This Grown Teacher is in Massive Trouble After Scrapping with a 13-Year-Ancient Because of This


Screenshot: FOX 5 DC via X

A horrifying video has emerged of a Maryland substitute teacher fighting with a 13-year-old student. Now, the teacher is under investigation by both the school and local police.

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A student at Samuel P. Massie Academy in Prince George’s County was rushed to urgent care to be treated for injuries sustained during a tussle with her substitute teacher. Cassidy, 13, tells FOX 5 News she was sitting at her desk watching a movie on her phone after she finished her reading assignment the morning of Feb. 25. She alleged the teacher suddenly snatched her phone out of her hand.

In the video, the teacher can be seen holding the phone away from Cassidy as she kept reaching for it. She then stood up from her seat to reach for her phone. The teacher blocked her by putting his arm out in front of her, pushing her back. Cassidy then grabbed the teacher’s shirt and from that point on, all hell broke loose.

In the video, the teacher is seen grabbing the teen and slamming her on a desk, appearing to choke her. Cassidy was seen kicking her legs, desperately trying to escape his grasp. As students piled on top of the teacher to break up the interaction, he swatted them off. The footage was horrifying to watch for Cassidy’s mother.

“I was sick to my stomach to see that a full-grown adult felt comfortable enough with putting his hands, not only on a child but on a 13-year-old female and slamming her around like a rag doll,” said Cassidy’s mother, Anitra Lang, via FOX. “I’m frightened not just for the safety of my child but the other students in the school.”

Following the incident, the report says she was taken to an urgent care office and underwent a number of tests, including one for a concussion. The academy responded to the incident saying disciplinary actions would be taken against the teacher. In their statement, they said the teacher in question was “removed from the classroom” but did not specify whether he was placed on leave. Prince George’s County police also told reporters they are investigating the incident.

“This behavior is not in line with the standards we hold for our staff and students,” the school said in a letter addressed to families, per the outlet. “We are collaborating with the Prince George’s County Public School’s Security Office.”


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